21st Century 維生素 A 10000 IU 軟膠囊 x 110 粒裝
365 by Whole Foods Market,維他命A 10,000 IU,100粒軟膠囊
- Brought to you by Whole Foods Market. The packaging for this product has a fresh new look. During this transition, you may get the original packaging or the new packaging in your order, but the product and quality is staying exactly the same. Enjoy!
- Product Note: Exposure to heat or sunlight may lead to melting/damage of product. Hence customers are expected to be available during the product delivery
- Supports healthy vision & cell membrane integrity.
- Does not contain artificial colors, artificial flavors, or artificial preservatives.
- From fish liver oil.
- During the summer months products may arrive warm but Amazon stores and ships products in accordance with manufacturers' recommendations, when provided.
Bronson 維生素 A 10,000 IU x 250 粒軟膠囊
Centrum Silver 50 歲以上男性綜合維生素 x 200 片裝
Centrum 成人綜合維生素/礦物質補充品 x 200 粒裝
DEAL SUPPLEMENT 高效能維生素 A 25000 IU x 500 粒椰子油軟膠囊
- 特殊功能 – 高效能維生素 A 軟膠囊注入健康的椰子油脂肪,以最大化其整體營養吸收。提供必需的抗氧化特性,並包含在易於服用的小型軟膠囊中。
- 益處與使用 – 這種生物可利用性配方提供高效吸收的成分,促進眼睛視力、免疫防禦、皮膚健康、生殖功能和骨骼強度的自然持久活力。
- 劑量與份量 – 每日一粒軟膠囊,含有 25,000 IU 的純維生素 A,來源自視黃醇棕櫚酸酯和魚肝油。每瓶提供 500 粒軟膠囊,相當於長達 16 個月的大量供應。
- 目的 – 維生素 A 是最受歡迎的脂溶性抗氧化維生素之一,用於促進整體健康。健康的椰子油脂肪有助於以更完整的形式吸收維生素 A,以減少任何浪費。
- 品質保證 – 採用非轉基因成分,並通過第三方實驗室測試。不含麩質、乳製品、雞蛋、花生、大豆、小麥和酵母。